+06 82 71 06 11


I believe there should always be room for the human touch, for people instead of human resources and that
having fun at what you do is important to succeed.

During my Study Management Science, I got via &Samhoud introduced to a concept called (in Dutch) “Plezier Management”, translated this should be something like “Fun Management”. Although one can’t actually manage ‘fun’, together we can create a nice and open working environment and as a result a better performance will follow. Have fun in what you do, become better at it and have more fun:) It is a simple but so true and effective loop.

I believe there should always be room for the human touch, for people instead of human resources and this is
also encaptured in Scrum, with Team Values like ‘Respect’ and ‘Openess’. I am often described as an enthousiastic person, able to motivate colleagues and have fun while working hard!